The Possible Relationship Between Law and Ethics in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Regulation

  • Livia Aulino University Suor Orsola Benincasa
  • Maria Cristina Gaeta University Suor Orsola Benincasa
  • Emiliano Troisi University Suor Orsola Benincasa
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI applications, legal and ethical issues, automated decision-making; automated contracting; contracts; ethics by design, human centered design, risk analysis.


The latest academic discussion has focused on the potential and risks associated with technological systems. In this perspective, defining a set of legal rules could be the priority but this action appears extremely difficult at the European level and, therefore, in the last years, a set of ethical principles contained in many different documents has been published. The need to develop trustworthy and human-centric AI technologies is accomplished by creating these two types of rule sets: legal and ethical. The paper aims to critically analyse and compare these rule sets in order to understand their possible relationships in the regulation of legal problems, not only theoretically but also, where present, in some practical applications of AI, such as self-driving cars, smart toys, smart contracts and legal design. Indeed, the purpose is to identify how legal rules and ethical principles can interact for adequate regulation of AI, with particular regard to the fields of application that will be analysed.

How to Cite
Aulino, L., Gaeta, M. C., & Troisi, E. (2023). The Possible Relationship Between Law and Ethics in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Regulation. HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 16(44), 163-206. Retrieved from