Ecosystem Based on an Extended and Responsible Ethics for Mobile Robots and Artificial Intelligence in Cuba

  • Giovanni Fernández Valdés University of Havana
Keywords: extended moral agency, Palmiche UGV, ecosystems innovation


Our main hypothesis is that an extended moral agent cannot fulfill their expectation of “extendedness” without a dynamical and evolutionary ecosystem where the agent develops and behave properly. It is important to establish a bridge between extended moral agents and ecosystems for two reasons: first, because there is not an enough direct theoretical reflection about this link. The scholars focus has been independently in improving the “extended agent theory”, the concepts of “ecosystem” or “ecosystem of innovation”. Second, if we want to understand the wide scope of the decentered ethics in design of mobile robots and AI these two theoretical frames cannot be seen separately but in join interdependency.

How to Cite
Fernández Valdés, G. (2023). Ecosystem Based on an Extended and Responsible Ethics for Mobile Robots and Artificial Intelligence in Cuba. HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 16(44), 93-121. Retrieved from