Realistic Aspects in the Standard Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

  • Claudia Garola Department of Physics and INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) – University of Salento, Italy.
  • Sandro Sozzo Department of Physics and INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) – University of Salento, Italy.
Keywords: quantum mechanics, realism, theoretical entities


The belief that quantum mechanics (QM) does not admit a realistic interpretation is widespread. According to some scholars concerned with the foundations of QM all existing interpretations of this theory (except for the statistical interpretation) presuppose instead a form of realism which consists in assuming that QM deals with individual objects and their properties. We uphold in the present paper that the arguments supporting the contextuality and the nonlocality of QM are a significant clue to the implicit adoption of stronger forms of realism (realism of theoretical entities and realism of theories). If these kinds of realism are substituted by a simpler and more intuitive semantic realism one can contrive a noncontextual and local interpretation of the formalism of QM (SR interpretation). Moreover one can provide a model for such an interpretation (ESR model) in which local realism and QM do not conflict and some fundamental problems of the standard interpretation of QM are avoided.

How to Cite
Garola, C., & Sozzo, S. (2018). Realistic Aspects in the Standard Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 4(13), 81-101. Retrieved from