Of Time and the Two Images

  • Steven F. Savitt University of British Columbia, Canada
Keywords: Two Images, Time and the World Order, Sellars


In this paper I argue that the clash of the Sellars’ two images is particularly acute in the case of time. In Time and the World Order Sellars seems embarked on a quest to locate manifest time in Minkowski spacetime. I suggest that he should have argued for the replacement of manifest time with the local, path-dependent time of the “scientific image”, just as he suggests that manifest objects must be replaced by their scientific counterparts.

How to Cite
Savitt, S. (2018). Of Time and the Two Images. HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 5(21), 57-68. Retrieved from https://www.humanamente.eu/index.php/HM/article/view/182