Touching the World as It Is

  • Shoji Nagataki Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan
Keywords: cognitive self, Cartesian dualism, touch


The aim of the present paper is to suggest an alternative view to the conventional distinction between ontology and epistemology, thereby reconstituting the relationship between the cognitive self and the real world. More specifically, we will criticize the distinction by shedding light on a peculiar character of the body, which can provide a critical perspective against Cartesian dualism. Furthermore, we will give a sketchy description of the philosophy of touch, and propose the notion of skin-self, or self-manifesting self, as a radical alternative to the modern conception of self.

How to Cite
Nagataki, S. (2016). Touching the World as It Is. HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 9(31), 97-116. Retrieved from