Human Presence and Robotic Mediations: An Alternative Framework for Explicating Human Enhancement

  • Pericle Salvini The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Keywords: human enhancement, technological mediation, robotics technologies


In this essay I propose an alternative theoretical framework for explicating human enhancement. The framework is based on the concepts of reciprocity, which I consider a fundamental aspect of human presence, and of mediation, which I consider a fundamental aspect of the relation between human beings and science and technology. I argue that enhancement is given by the way in which technological and scientific mediation alters the structure of the network of reciprocity characterising human presence. As a matter of fact, technological mediation may turn the reciprocity of presence into a unilateral relation, which prevents any form of response. The lack of responsibility, here understood as the possibility to respond back, is determinant for the generation of a situation of power and for eliciting moral disengagement. The framework will be applied and discussed with reference to robotics technologies.

How to Cite
Salvini, P. (2014). Human Presence and Robotic Mediations: An Alternative Framework for Explicating Human Enhancement. HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 7(26), 253-270. Retrieved from